Botox Is the New Essential


Never has a word become so discussed then after COVID19 hit the world. The great debate about what was deemed essential to live during the unprecedented pandemic ensued. If there has ever been a time that we have considered the real essentials in life, it has been following 2020. Taking a good look in the rearview mirror of 2020 may has some great lessons for us. 2020 was full of restrictions and challenging circumstances, and we have all adopted our list of what is "essential" in our life. And although we may not wish to say it out loud, many of us who have found a trusted professional to enhance our natural beauty through injectables miss their essential service. After all, if you have experienced Botox, your skin and self-confidence has most certainly taken a little dip during the pandemic. Anti-wrinkle injections are seen as the key to the foundation of youth; but lately there has been a new found awareness that "everyone is doing it." 

Yup. Botox is the new Essential.  

Who knew that these tiny injections keep women and men coming back for more, and the hype is more prevalent than ever. This famous name (Botox) is a form of Neuro-Modulator representing the brand and secret magic of anti-wrinkle injections, causing muscle relaxation is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures in the world. t's easy to understand why when considering these insights about Botox or any Neuromodulator injectables. 

It's SO easy! 

This simple procedure is safe and can be done over a lunch hour. It is probably faster than your favourite coffee shop line! Botox injections are quick and afterward result in mild symptoms such as tenderness or redness that rarely last more than a few hours. It's a tremendous first-time client procedure and almost always adopted as the top medical aesthetic go-to treatment. 

It's a noticeable secret!

Don't get me wrong. Everyone WILL notice you, but no one will know what you did when you try Neuromodulator injections. One of the great attributes of Botox is the gradual two-week effect to achieve full results. Having an experienced cosmetic practitioner is essential who uses artistic detailing to achieve natural approaches that allow facial movement that will enable you to be still fully expressive.

It has Long term Benefits.

The benefits of Botox last more than the 3-6 months of injectable results. We have those wrinkles in the first place because of the habitual expressions we have done for years. Anti-wrinkle injections force our muscles to find new ways to display facial expressions. It slows down the aging process because the existing wrinkles are halted from worsening. This is why starting Botox early (Baby Botox) is a great anti-aging solution long term.

It's Desireable and Sexy! 

Probably most importantly, we all love and want smooth and soft skin. Every adult hopes to age gracefully and have beautiful skin. Even the most optimistic individuals dream of skin that appears healthy, and youthful. Smooth and soft skin is what we all want. That's a fact. 

Above all else, most men and women who try Botox see it as essential for self-care and self-confidence. And let's face it - Anything that nourishes those two things is essential now more than ever. 

Xo Vive MediSpa

Kim Hussey