Spring Skin Care Boost

After every long winter, spring is sure to follow. And aren’t we all just ready for it???

A long winter often also brings dry and dullness to our skin appearance. 

With spring finally approaching, it is good to take inventory of the products you are using to keep your skin healthy and glowing. We are so ready for spring, and your skin is wanting the rejuvenation too! 

I regret taking care of my skin. Said no one ever. 

While we love having you in the clinic to treat your skin with a procedure to achieve results you will love, that one-hour appointment is not enough for healthy skin. Research shows that 80% of what we do for our skin is what we do at home. Let’s face it! The results of your in-clinic medical aesthetic procedure are going to be significantly enhanced and go a whole lot further when you implement a great skincare routine at home. 

A high-quality skincare routine using medical-grade products has many advantages when they are parallelled with your medical aesthetic treatment. 

👉Your treatment results will last longer. 

👉The results will be far better. 

👉Your skin will have long-lasting benefits to minimize signs of aging.

Not sure where to get started when there are so many products out there? Here are some simple steps to get you on the path of creating habits that your skin will thank you for the rest of your life! 

  1. Make a plan with a professional! The expertise of your medical aesthetic professional goes beyond the injectables. They can make a plan with you that will give you those results. Just like a fitness trainer or a healthy eating coach, investing in your skin can benefit from professional advice that will address the areas that trouble you. A comprehensive coach to make an integrated services and products approach with you will go a long way to boosting your skin health. 

  2. De-Clutter the Bathroom! If you are committed to investing in your skin, it will be easier to minimize the products and focusing on just the one routine you have planned out with your trusted professional. Toss anything that compromises or doesn’t enhance your new committed practice. It is easy to continually be filling up all those bathroom drawers with endless products, but one great product is better than a variety. 

  3. Start simple! Medical-grade skincare products may seem like a daunting expense at the onset. Many top-quality skincare companies recognize that the cost and criteria to get someone started may be too time-consuming or financially daunting. Many companies offer a starter skincare kit that will save you money but optimize your results without too much commitment in terms of time or money. Bundles are a great incentive for getting started. Alumier offers a simple starter kit that will exponentially get you results with less of an investment at the front end. 

  4. Commit to Baby steps! If you are going to run a 10 km run this summer, you better ease into it!  No one, especially you, wants to quit your new routine so commit to a short amount of time, both the start and end of the day. Get the best bang for your buck that will not be too overwhelming financially OR in terms of your time commitment. I can do a full Alumier skincare routine in less than five minutes. And trust me, it feels terrific. You will get to a point you cannot live without it. And once you start to see the unbelievable difference in your skin, you will be inspired and motivated to grow your process and keep up with the routine. 

  5. Showcase your shrine! It is easier for me to remember my vitamins when they are in a pretty glass jar by the coffee pot. Starting a skincare regimen is challenging to skip when the products are staring at you every day by your bathroom mirror. Display your beautiful new products as a reminder to use them and that you deserve it! Alumier’s beautiful branding and slim packaging will “pretty up” your bathroom and keep you on track with your goals. 

It takes 21 days to create a habit - and even less to start seeing and feeling the results in your skin with a top-quality skincare routine. Are you ready to develop a new habit? 

My Skin deserves a new habit

Until Next Time ….. Xo Vive MediSpa

Kim Hussey